Saturday, April 17, 2010

Easter Parade

A few weeks ago, we of course celebrated a Blessed Easter Day. But the day before, I went to my parents' house to dye eggs with Kelly, Lucy and Jacob (who wouldn't participate in the photos). I brought my camera, but incidentally forgot the battery for it. So the first four are with a lousy camera phone.

We ate strawberries with sugar on top. Yum!
I took my dozen home, but they really didn't last very long because we gobbled them up so quickly!

And I set out these little chocolates on the end tables, but when I came home later, there was tissue paper and chocolate all over the place! Foo Foo had crawled onto the end table and grabbed the chocolates down for her and Tabby. Luckily, they were all milk chocolate and not dark chocolate, but we were a bit concerned.

The chocolates come in this chocolate egg that you break open.
It was very pretty outside, the blossoms finally popping out.

This is such an awful photo, but Aaron said "I'll take one photo and that's it. That's all you get." Oh well.
I baked some Easter bread. It was tasty, but it seems that my bread always is so heavy. Does anyone know why? Advice would be much appreciated.

After we had gone to Mass and then eaten lunch at Grandpa and Grandma's house, they had an Easter pinata. It was a fun new tradition.

Jacob took a swing at it first.

Everyone watched from far away.
Next, Nathan tried to break it open.
Missy put a good dent in the egg and kept breaking the string that held the pinata.

But Kelly got the final attempt and broke it open.

Lucy was the first on the scene (and definitely took most of the loot!)

Trent, Livi, and Mary laughed at the kids scrambling for candy. Well, Livi actually didn't really care.

Because Lucy took so much of the candy, we put half of the pinata on her head. I guess that makes her an "Egghead."

And then we were all so tired that it was naptime.

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