Thursday, December 23, 2010

Fresh Market...a heaven for bread lovers

 Have you ever been to Fresh Market? Well, if you haven't, you should. Some of their stuff is more expensive, but some of it is also less expensive than retail supermarket, and it's much quieter and smaller.

I'm a bread fanatic. It became an addiction after we went to Germany a couple of years ago, and I realized that there are other more amazing breads out there than what we find in the States. I have been looking for pretzels and/or recipes for YEARS! I even begged Aaron to take me on a daytrip to Indy so that we could go to the Rathskeller because that is the only place that I know of that has REAL Bavarian pretzels, unless we wanted to drive to Chicago to visit the Chicago Brauhaus. He refused. Said it wasn't worth it just for a pretzel.

But now (at long last!) I have found pretzels similar to my beloved Bavarian pretzels. They are rolls, and when I went back for more they were out, and I said, "Are you out?" and they said, "We make them every morning, and every morning we sell out." ANYHOO...the first time I went, I got pretzel rolls (I bought them out) and almond pastries and sourdough rolls (which are also similar to the ones in Germany). Oh happy day!

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