Saturday, February 12, 2011

Postcrossing - Early February

I love to travel, and I have been itching to hop on a plane and fly halfway around the world for quite a while. I want to just pack a bag, get my passport stamped, and then land in an amazing European village wondering how I managed to get there and not caring that I'm blowing all of my savings on this one trip. I get this "Itch to Travel" quite often, and most especially when I receive a postcard of a charming little village in the Netherlands or a scene of a city pulsing with people and things to do...or when I'm watching Rick Steves. I want to be surrounded by people I don't know speaking languages that roll off their tongues but that make absolutely no sense to me. I want to just listen to the sound of the language and not care about what they are saying, but just listen as though it were music. I want to sit at a cafe with an almost undrinkably strong cup of coffee and a pastry and just soak in the culture. I fear that I won't be able to do this for a long, long while. The bills and the hope for a retirement one day always stop me dead in my tracks. So I live vicariously through travel blogs and postcards and dreams that I don't want to end about my lovely Munich or the bustling of New York City.

From Kay, China

 From Miklos, Germany

From Callista, Netherlands 
From Maud, Netherlands

From Yana, Russia

 From Polona, Slovenia
From Thatch, Thailand 
 From Yu-Shan, Taiwan
From Jorma, Finland
From Petra, Belgium 

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