Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Game Day - Part 2

Okay, so before the game, the band plays on the steps of the Main Building. The crowd is huge, and I am waaayyy too short to see over anybody, so I had to have Aaron take some of these pictures.

 Look at those sweet little baby drum majors! They were very popular among the crowd.

 Then this other little guy showed up wearing a band outfit as well. It was like a baby drum major convention.

 This little guy even knows how to conduct music!

 Then after they play on the steps of the Main Building, the band splits into 3 sections on the lawn of the Main Building, and each section takes its turn playing in a circle.
 After each section plays, they do something fun, like get in a huddle and chant some cheer and jump around. Okay, that sounds weird. I don't really know how to describe it.

 After the band plays, they line up and march to the stadium, while the crowd marches behind them. While we were waiting, I noticed that you could see the whole crowd and beautiful scenery reflected on the tubas. How cool is that? Of course, once I started taking pictures of this, this lady next to me saw what I was doing and started taking pictures, too. She nudged her friend, "Hey, look! You can see the whole crowd on the tuba!" Copy cat. :-)

 Aren't they beautiful?
 Do you see Aaron and me?
 How about now?

Game pictures still to come!

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